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To the Editor: Dave McCormick or Bob Casey- What are the facts?

To the Editor:

Dave McCormick or Bob Casey - What are the facts?

By Rose Wilson

The upcoming election is not just about getting Donald Trump into the White House. We also need to get US Senators and Congress members elected so that they can vote former President Trump’s policies into laws. Armstrong County can help with that by voting for Dave McCormick for US Senate in November.

Why vote for McCormick? According to the TV commercials, Dave McCormick is a horrible person and Bob Casey has been a stellar Senator during his 18 years in office. Here is the actual truth about Dave McCormick.

Dave McCormick is a seventh-generation Pennsylvanian. He went to West Point, served his country AROUND THE WORLD and then retired from the military as a Captain. After graduate school, Dave moved back to Pittsburgh for 10 years, creating jobs in Western PA by starting a company called Free Markets.

After serving in Washington during the Bush Administration and living in Connecticut for a few years, Dave McCormick moved back to Pittsburgh, where he has been living since 2021. This sounds nothing like the “Connecticut Dave” that the commercials describe, does it?

Bob Casey has also attacked Dave about his position on abortion. Contrary to what you hear in Casey’s commercials, Dave McCormick has publically stated numerous times that he is opposed to a national abortion ban and supports exceptions in the cases of rape, incest and saving the life of the mother. This is an issue that each individual state needs to address, not the federal government. In Pennsylvania, the current law states that abortion is legal through 24 weeks. This law was supported by both Republicans and Democrats and then signed into law by then GOVERNOR CASEY, Bob Casey’s father. Why would Bob lie about this?

But Dave’s a China guy, right? Bob Casey is wrong again. Dave’s military, government and private sector experience has shown him that we need to beat China at their own game, putting the national and economic security of America first. Dave actually has a plan on how to do just that. You can read, in detail, about his plan in his book “Superpower in Peril - A Battle Plan to Renew America”. What has Bob Casey done for America? Now let me tell you what the commercials won’t say about Bob Casey.

Casey supports NO restrictions on abortion. Women’s healthcare, right? What Bob Casey DOESN’T tell you is that his pro-choice stance means that a woman can have an abortion into the third trimester of her pregnancy - up until the MOMENT OF BIRTH! But, but, but . . . women’s healthcare…

Casey backed the Clean Power Plan which would have raised the electricity rates in Pennsylvania by almost 50 percent and eliminated tens of thousands of PA manufacturing jobs.

Casey has consistently voted against expediting oil and gas leases on federal lands and supported a moratorium on offshore drilling. He also spearheaded an anti-fracking bill SIX TIMES.

Casey has voted, numerous times, in favor of raising taxes on energy producers. He has also championed a radical cap-and-trade policy that would have cost Pennsylvania tens of billions of dollars and half a million jobs.

Casey voted for the Paris Climate Accords, which would also significantly raise energy prices. At the same time, these Accords allowed China to continue to build new coal plants for years to come. Meanwhile, the Homer City power plant is closed and the Keystone power plant is scheduled to close in 2028 OR SOONER.

Not only does Pennsylvania have the ability to be energy independent, but it has also, historically, been an exporter of energy. Bob Casey thinks that it is “ridiculous” to drill our way to energy independence and wants to “transition” Pennsylvania’s energy workers into different jobs. Where are those jobs, Bob? Actions speak louder than words.

Casey has also embraced Biden’s radical green energy mandates, which the United States is required to adhere to, but gives China a free pass. Consider this. In 2020 the United States had 13.5% of the world’s carbon emissions, while China was responsible for 30.9%. But we are shutting down our coal plants while China is building theirs.

Bob Casey is a liberal, career politician who does not support jobs for Pennsylvanians. He rode his father’s coattails to Washington and has been there for 18 years. The bottom line is this. Bob Casey will say and do anything to get re-elected.


Notice from the Editor: Please know that I will not be accepting any letters to the editor pertaining to the presidential election. We are a family friendly paper. I will however encourage you to vote, and to vote pro-family and pro-life.

Editor’s Note: Opinions expressed in “Letters to the Editor” are not necessarily those of the Progress News, the Editor or any of its staff. All letters to the editor must be signed, dated, name of town, brief and to the point to be considered for publication. 450 words or less.

Letters can be sent to: Editor, c/o The Progress News, P.O. Box A, Emlenton, PA 16373

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