Michelle Ritzler is announcing her candidacy for the position of Magisterial District Judge, District 18-3-04. This district is comprised of Callensburg, East Brady, Hawthorn, New Bethlehem, Rimersburg, and Sligo Boroughs and Brady, Licking, Limestone, Madison, Monroe, Perry, Piney, Porter, Redbank, and Toby Townships. Michelle will be listed on both the Republican and Democratic ballets.
She grew up in the Shippenville area and attended school at Keystone. She and her husband, Troy, have resided in Licking Township for over 18 years where they raised their two daughters, Dawn and Morgan.
Michelle believes that this position requires attention to detail, honesty, dependability, and accessibility. Being employed at PennWest University, Clarion Campus, for over 30 years, she has utilized these skills, as well as leadership, supervision, and decision making. Both positions require a great deal of prioritizing, adapting, multitasking, and collaboration.
She has proudly earned an Associate of Science degree in Legal Business Studies and a Bachelor of Science degree in Rehabilitative Sciences with a concentration in Courts and Community Service from Clarion University of PA. Michelle has also earned a Master of Arts in Social Science, concentrating in Applied Criminology, from California University of PA.
During her studies, she gained valuable experience by interning with a magisterial district judge, the Public Defender’s Office, the Judicial and Mediation Services Office, and Clarion County Sheriff’s Office. Michelle also gained knowledge by completing ride-alongs with Clarion County Probation Services. She worked with at-risk youth at Taylor Diversion Programs, Inc. through internship opportunities as well.
Michelle has been a member of her local AFSCME Union for over 30 years holding leadership roles on the Executive Board serving and representing members. She has served her community as the Judge of Elections in Licking Twp. for seventeen years. She has been an active member of the Order of the Eastern Star in Clarion, Chapter 267, for about ten years where she is a current officer. Along with her family, she has volunteered for Charitable Deeds and Services, the Knox Baseball and Softball Association, and a youth drill team (Tempest). She has helped teach responsibility, prioritizing, strengthening moral values, and how to succeed in a team environment to local youths in the community through these opportunities. She has also helped Tempest and Wolf’s Camping Resort raise money for local charities through fundraising. She volunteered for several years with the Armstrong, Indiana and Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission’s Reality Tour event held at the Clarion County Jail. The Reality Tour helped to educate youth and their parents about the effects of drugs and alcohol.
Michelle is currently a member at Knox Volunteer Fire Company, as well as Limestone Township Volunteer Fire Company. Michelle enjoys volunteering with the Clarion County Rod and Gun Club (with members from Knox, Hawthorn, and New Bethlehem, among others) for the Clarion County Youth Field Days event.
“Giving support to local groups and organizations is important to me. I have enjoyed supporting my community by helping with numerous raffles and events in various capacities, from volunteer to sponsorship. I am someone you can depend on and am committed to utilizing my office hours to maximize availability to best serve our community. I will be fair and compassionate in my position as Magisterial District Judge”
For more information about Michelle, or if you have any questions, she can be reached at shelley.ritzler@gmail.com or on Facebook @MichelleShelleyRitzlerForDistrictJudge.