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On Sunny Lane: What is Important

I ‘m not good with leisure time. I’m not good with resting—at least not for long.

If I sit still for long, I see dust or cobwebs that need to be addressed, or a project that can’t wait much longer. Now, when I first wake up in the morning, I can lie there for a while—until I’m fully awake. Then, I can’t take it any more. I have things to do and I want to get to it.

I know that it’s important to think and to meditate, but I do that best on my feet. I do it while I’m washing dishes or doing my exercises or going for a walk. I come up with some pretty good ideas that way.

It’s not that I am constantly working. Sometimes, Sweetheart and I spend time with friends, or go shopping, or attend church or  a meeting. After all, we’ve all seen the admonition on the front of the soda machine that says, “Balance what you eat, drink and do.” I do that in the best way I can.

It’s probably important to balance our time, too. It’s important to know what is important. I think it’s important to spend time in prayer.

Our nation is moving in a direction that would strike horror into the hearts of the framers of the U.S. Constitution. It appears to me that our government leaders have strayed from the beaten path. It looks like society has given up on the traditional family values that made this country great.

Working people have little free time to get involved in social or political activism, but nothing will change unless people do. Prayer is something that can be done on your feet—while you’re washing dishes or the car, or while just walking down the street.

When I was going to summer Bible school many years ago, the leader told us children, “Pray as though everything depends on God. Work as though everything depends on you.”

Sounds like a good partnership.


Dorothy is the author of two books—“Miles and Miracles” and “Getting It All Together “. You can purchase a book or send a comment by emailing her at

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