Voters were as scarce as hen's teeth during the primary election. Sweetheart and I should know, because we worked at one of the polling places--as we have for the last three years.
The flow of voters was barely a trickle. It was so slow that we workers could have played pickleball--except that we had no pickles--and no balls--and we didn't know how to play. But, we could have, because we had lots of free time.
There are two precincts at the facility where we work. We were told that it was once the busiest polling place in the county. Last week we could almost hear crickets chirping.
As a person who has voted in virtually every election--primary and general--since I was old enough to vote, I am amazed that there are people who refuse to engage in one of the greatest privileges an American can enjoy.
Some people cannot be shamed, or cajoled, or encouraged, or talked into voting and I wonder why.
For my part, I see the practice as a duty and a privilege. I like to get my two cents worth in. I like to get in on the action. I like to be on a winning team. I like to help make decisions.
I would rather do something--no matter how small the impact--than do nothing and complain. I think that every election is important and not just some. I would rather take time out from a busy schedule to vote than accomplish less-important things.
In fact, I took advantage of mail-in voting this year, which made it much easier for me to continue my work uninterrupted. I didn't need to leave the polling place where I was working to go to my own. And, emergencies do not always come at a convenient time--even on election day.
Sometimes, people tell me that their vote won't make a difference and have given up, because they see government continue to go downhill. Well, I'm putting all of my weight down on that seesaw, so it can get headed in the right direction. Every vote matters--even if it only matters to you.
I look at the whole situation this way: If you don't vote, you have already voted--for the status quo. If you don't decide, you have already decided--for whatever outcome that comes out. Worse yet, other people are deciding for you. I don't know about you, but I don't like people deciding for me.
I'm not giving up the fight for what is right and I don't think you should either.
Dorothy is the author of two books—“Miles and Miracles” and “Getting It All Together “. You can purchase a book or make a comment by emailing her at dorothybutzknight@gmail.com