Almost every person I know is downsizing. In fact, I’m one of them.
There are as many reasons for downsizing as there are people who are doing it. Some people are discarding things they no longer need to make room for something they want. Others may be getting rid of items because they are moving into a new house and don’t have room for them there—or don’t want to deal with transporting them to the new location.
Sometimes we buy something we really want, or think we need, and get tired of it. And, sometimes, valuable items have outlived their usefulness and just clutter up the house.
I am getting rid of unneeded belongings because, when the time comes, it will be less hassle for my daughter and granddaughter to process.
Now, there are many ways to dispose of unwanted, unneeded, useless items, too. For instance, we could just throw it in the garbage. That is efficient, but doesn’t show a lot of imagination.
I have found things hidden away in a drawer or closet that I have passed on to a beloved family member as an heirloom.
And, then there is always the local charity—or charities—that are willing to accept donations. Somebody just might need the very thing you no longer do. There have been so many local and regional disasters lately that there is always a need somewhere.
At some point, we begin to realize that, “You can’t take it with you.” I did hear about the family of a man I once knew who pulled his fishing boat on a trailer behind the hearse on the way to the cemetery. They decided to take it back to their house rather than bury it with him. After all, he couldn’t take it with him.
What it all comes down to is these things are just things. Some of them will probably outlast us—at least on this earth. If we believe Holy Scripture, we believe that we will live forever and that these things were only tools to help us on our journey to eternity.
Dorothy is the author of two books—“Miles and Miracles” and “Getting It All Together “. You can purchase a book or send a comment by emailing her at dorothybutzknight@gmail.com