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On Sunny Lane: The Party's Over

Writer's picture: EditorEditor

The party is over and all is returning to normal at our house—or, at least, as normal as our house gets.

The temperature had risen from minus zero earlier in the week to the low 30s, but the snow was still several inches deep on the ground. Yet, many of my friends, family and former neighbors had the gumption to slosh through it to wish me a happy 80th birthday last Saturday.

My daughter knocked herself out fixing a delicious meal for my guests and she got lots of compliments on it. My granddaughter arranged the tables, put out the decorations and helped her mother keep the buffet table supplied. My husband got me a beautiful cake with lots of red roses on the top.

I covered a table with pictures of me from babyhood to the present. There were picture albums and journals of the trips I have made. I also included pictures of me and Sweetheart. I gave out some of the books I have written—one to a customer.

What more could I ask for? Except guests.

They straggled in at first, so I was able to have a short conversation with each of them. As the afternoon wore on, however, they came in three or four at a time. I would just start talking to someone when more guests would arrive for me to greet. It was a wonderful problem to have. It was just good to have so many of my loved ones all together, enjoying themselves. I thought it was efficient, too..

I felt bad, however, that I couldn’t spend more time with each person. I’m glad my daughter, granddaughter and Sweetheart were able to help spread good will.

I felt so bad, in fact, that I texted a couple of them on the way home. (Sweetheart was driving, so I was not texting and driving.) We made tentative plans to meet and spend some quality time together.

So much for being efficient.


Dorothy is the author of two books—“Miles and Miracles” and “Getting It All Together “. You can purchase a book or send a comment by emailing her at


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