I was talking to a man on the telephone the other day.
He couldn't stop praising me for, what he said, was a wonderful job I had done on a particular project. Well, I probably could have stopped him, but I didn't want to be rude and interrupt.
The longer he expounded on my virtues, the more intoxicating I felt, although I wouldn't know, as I have never been intoxicated. It made me feel giddy. Let's just say it was a pleasurable experience.
A little while later, I went into the bedroom, where Flopsie was lying on the bed. I petted her for a little bit and then she rolled over onto her back and started to purr. I knew just how she felt.
Who doesn't like to be praised? It doesn't matter why. It serves to spur a person on to do more good things. I feel sorry for people who don't hear words of praise and affirmation. from others. That's what parents, siblings, friends, spouses and partners are for.
That reminds me of a poem I read when I was just out of high school. It left such an impression on me that I cut it out of whatever periodical it was in and committed it to memory. It is not exactly appropriate for this topic, but, if you substitute the word praise for the word love, you will get the idea.
Go Tell the Beloved of Love
Go tell the beloved of love.
Do not hold back, fearful that he not listen.
He will reach his heart out for your words.
It is for lack of love's communion, not for too much speech, that love grows thin and withers.
You can pour love's soft assurances into my ear for hours and I will only long for more,
As with songs of birds that never tire of calling for daybreak.
Put me to sleep with words of love at night
And then with love's words wake me in the morning.
Then, if your waves of words wash over me, it will be sweet to drown in such a sea.
I couldn't find the paper that poem was on, so I wrote it from memory--the best I remember. I don't remember the author either, but he's probably dead and doesn't care anyway.
The day after that phone call, I heard a news item on the radio.It seems a national franchise restaurant chain in Pennsylvania will no longer allow children under the age of 16 to enter their restaurants unless they are with their parents. They said the children were being loud and boisterous; were making a mess with food and papers on tables and floor; and were talking disrespectfully to employees.
Some people on social media thought that store owners should offer guidance to these poor, misguided children. I disagree. It is not store owners' job to help misguided youth. It is the job of parents, teachers and youth leaders.
I can't help but feel bad for these children. It sounds to me like they do not receive enough love and praise and need to cause destruction in order to feel good.
Maybe, the restaurants are offering guidance by requiring that parents and children spend quality time eating together. And, while they're at it, they could praise them for something.
Dorothy is the author of two books—“Miles and Miracles” and “Getting It All Together “. You can purchase a book or make a comment by emailing her at dorothybutzknight@gmail.com