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On Sunny Lane: Share the Love

Last weekend Sweetheart and I attended a milestone birthday party.

Everyone in our high school class has either turned eighty or will before spring.

I had planned to never tell my readers what my age is, but you probably guessed that I am a senior citizen. At any rate, the secret is out.

The emcee started the evening by reminding us of the 1950's television show, titled, “Life begins at 80.” It was a panel discussion consisting of two permanent 80-year-olds and two weekly 80-year-old guest panelists. They answered questions that were sent in by viewers. I remember watching it when I was a child, but I don’t remember any specifics about questions or answers or topics. I do remember they were not the sourpusses I thought 80-year-olds might be. They laughed and joked a lot as they gave their answers.

I can tell you, though, that life does NOT begin at 80. It’s not that being that age is so bad, it’s just more challenging than it once was. Our steps may be slower; we may have more limitations of movement; we may have a harder time remembering things. We may be a little tougher though. After all, growing old isn’t for wimps.

Those limitations do not need to limit our enjoyment of life. We just do different things. Some people still go dancing. Some people travel and go on cruises. Some have turned to “parlor” games, instead of the athletic games we once played.

We do, however, have a wealth of information and experiences under our hats. Young people may know a lot about computers and other kinds of technology. We know a lot about hard work and interpersonal relationships.  At least, we should.

There is value in human life at every stage of development. Generations can learn from each other. I am still pleased to learn something new.  In fact, years ago, my brother told me, “You learn something new every day.” and, “You’re never too old to learn.”

That may, or may not, be true. All I can say is, regardless of outside appearances, there’s a lot of life left in us.


Dorothy is the author of two books—“Miles and Miracles” and “Getting It All Together “. You can purchase a book or send a comment by emailing her at

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