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On Sunny Lane: I Did It Again

I did it again! Or, maybe, I should say I DIDN’T do it again!

I was gone all day today and had a list of things to do. The main thing was that I was going back to the county where I used to live before I met Sweetheart to get a spinal adjustment from the chiropractor I have patronized for nigh onto 30 years.

When I travel all that distance I always try to program in some other stops and errands. Today I visited my daughter-in-law in the morning, before my appointment. I had a nice visit with her and my granddaughter.

The chiropractor was running late with his appointments, so that put me half an hour behind on an already tight schedule. Since I lost half an hour at the chiropractor’s office, I had to cancel a trip to a chain food market that carries the bread, crackers and yogurt that I like. I can’t find it anywhere else. Fortunately, there are markets like that in a lot of places and I would be in the vicinity of another one at the end of the day’s adventures. I don’t usually like to make a special trip to that store, because the closest one is 10 miles away and 10 miles back.

I was late picking up sandwiches for my daughter and me to eat at her house while she was on her half-hour lunch break, seeing as she works from home on her computer.

After I left her house, I went to the local discount supermarket, where I never know what bargains I will find. I always make it a point to stop there when I’m in the neighborhood. I only had an hour to drive there, shop and be back on the road. My next destination was the facility where I would meet up with the rest of the cast and practice for the variety show we would be presenting in a week and a half. We practiced for 2-1/2 hours.

As you can see, I had a very busy day. I was very tired. I wanted to stop and get the bread, crackers and yogurt I wanted. For two weeks I had that errand on my list every time I went out, but, by the time I was done with my other stops and activities, I was too tired to make one more stop.

It happens every time. I put too many things on my list of things to do and, as I am approaching the end, I am either running out of time or I am too tired to do one more thing.

It appears that, if I want that special bread, crackers and yogurt, I may just need to make a special trip--no matter if it is a 20-mile round trip. Some things are worth it.

Who knows? I might find another stop along the way.


Dorothy is the author of two books—“Miles and Miracles” and “Getting It All Together “. You can purchase a book or send a comment by emailing her at

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