An interesting phenomenon occurs every time the state lottery prize goes up to an exorbitant amount--like in the millions and billions.
People who never played the lottery before show up at convenience stores, grocery store offices and special lottery ticket stores in hopes of buying the lucky winning ticket. In workplaces across the state, employees chip in a dollar or two, buy a large number of tickets and vow to share the winnings.
Now this is what amazes me. Why would a person who ordinarily doesn't buy a lottery ticket suddenly get the urge to buy one--or more--because the prize has gone into the seven or eight figures? The chances of winning are not greater because the prize amount is larger. Actually, the chances are less, because more people want to get in on the act.
Would the same people not be satisfied with a six-figure prize? Would they consider their participation, in that instance, a waste of time and money? When it comes to games of chance, I prefer to put my efforts where the odds are better for me to win.
So, are these people who only want to play the game when the stakes are high the same people who only vote every four years, during the Presidential election?
Do they believe that it's not worth the time and effort to vote for local and state officials because they are not important? Do they think they're not getting enough bang for their buck? Do they think it's not important to have local office holders who have everyday citizens' best interests at heart? Do they think government should make decisions from the top down, instead of from the bottom up?
I choose not to play the lottery, whether it's for a thousand-dollar prize or a couple of million. I may never win a prize, but I don't lose any money either. If you choose not to vote, you choose to let other people decide for you.
When it comes to elections, however, you are a winner or loser, whether you vote or not. The chances of getting people in office who share your values and concerns are greater if you make the effort to be informed about the candidates and vote accordingly. After all, in the lottery, you have to play to win. In elections, if you don't vote, you often end up with the booby prize.
You may believe that there is dishonesty in the election process. The most dishonest thing is not to make your voice heard at your local precinct. The voting machines don't tally verbal complaints.
Dorothy is the author of two books—“Miles and Miracles” and “Getting It All Together “. You can purchase a book or make a comment by emailing her at